谨以此片纪念人类航空工业巅峰之作 不管我们愿不愿意相信,让众多军事爱好者魂牵梦绕的当今世上最大飞机安225,都已经确认被毁。 安225是前苏联航空工业的巅峰之作,该机最大起飞重量超过600吨,单是载重,就达到250吨上下。 美国C17大型运输机最大起飞重量才只有270吨上下,而我国研发的最大飞机运20,最大起飞重量才只有200吨上下。 ![]() With the six powerful engines, loads of up to 250 tons are no problem for the Antonov An-225. The plane was originally intended to take the Soviet Buran space shuttle back from its landing site to the Baikonur spaceport in Kazakhstan. After the end of the space program, Antonov Airlines converted the An-225 into a cargo plane. The next order: the transport of twelve electrical transformers from Chile across the Andes to Bolivia with twelve flights in just four weeks.
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